question 1

Quizlet Quiz


This is a atom.

question 2

This represents the atom.

question 3

This is a atom.

question 4

This represents the atom.

question 5

This is a atom.

question 6

Functional Groups

This functional group is .

question 7

This is a group.

question 8

This is a .

question 9

This is a group.

question 10

This is a group.

question 11

Fill in the blanks:



question 12

Aldose or Ketose?

This is a(n) .

question 13

This is a(n) .

question 14

This is a(n) .

question 15

This is a(n) .

question 16

This is a(n) .

question 17

This is a(n) .

question 18

This is a(n) group.

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